シボレー TH350 バキュームモジュレーター 変速タイミング  New

Auction ends: 06/05/2024 20:40 (Tokyo)
Auction start: 06/02/2024 07:40 (Tokyo)
Bids: 0 (Bid history)
Availability: 1 pcs
Leading Bidder:
Hidden Price: no
VAT Tax: 3%
Return Policy: Not possible
Item condition: New
Shipping in Japan: 750¥
Auction ID: h1130546427
Automatic Extension Enabled
Item location: 東京都
Seller items: elcamino914   ( See All Items )
Seller Rating: +574 - 1

Buyout Price

(~ $24 )
(¥3,680 not including tax)

Time left:




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ATP製 JX-67

ATP Automatic Transmission Modulator Valves
Improve slow, sloppy shifts with the addition of ATP automatic transmission modulator valves. These valves will keep your transmission shifting on cue, according to load. ATP adjustable replacements allow you to optimize shift points to meet vacuum load and improve gas mileage and performance. A bad modulator valve can be bad news for your transmission. Get control of your transmission for proper shifting of increased or decreased engine vacuum loads. Replace improper working valves with ATP automatic transmission modulator valves.

