L’atelier Rue de Seine, N°71, pres celle de Bussy, ALDRIC, Luthier a Paris, 1842 *

Auction ends: 08/18/2024 20:40 (Tokyo)
Auction start: 08/11/2024 21:15 (Tokyo)
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( ¥480,000 not including tax )

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an old beautiful workshop French violin I got in France from a violin private collector, with its label inside: " Rue de Seine, N°71, pres celle de Bussy, ALDRIC, Luthier a Paris, 1842 " as I tried to picture. This violin has a very nice old amber varnish on a golden base typical of the old Mirecourt makers, very elegant violin in a good used condition, pegs are adjusted, it just needs new fittings for a new passionate player. To be noticed that there is no soundpost break on the violin, only a superficial mark. The Bird's Eye wood is beautiful, especially on the back, the varnish is outstanding, very nice arching too as I tried to picture! Body back length: 35,9 cm.
・Bird's Eye is a rare and valuable violin, a rarity and antique value unlike any other violin.
・Some people buy Bird's Eye violins for their ornamental value.
・Minor varnish damage on the backboard and frontboard can be almost unrecognizable.
・Upper right corner has been restored in the past (see photo).
・Crack front board has been opened and internal patches have been applied (confirmed by dental mirror) in the past.
・Older pieces have no cracks, probably due to the strong bird's-eye grain on the back board compared to regular maple regardless of age.
・Older pieces have a lot of gray dust discoloration on the inside, which is a proof of production around 1850.
・Old PieceMinor defects such as rough varnish, etc. Contracted workshop master craftsman clean restoration possible, no noticeable defects.

ALDRIC. - Trs bon luthier qui a travaill pendant longtemps Paris.La marque la plus ancienne que j'aie rencontre de lui se trouvait dans une basse :Fait par Aldric, luthier,rue des Arcis, 16.Paris, 1792.Les autres sont dates de la rue de Seine-Saint-Germain, 71, o il a demeur jusqu'en 1840, poque o son neveu Aubry a pris la suite de ses affaires.La plupart des tiquettes d'Aldric sont manuscrites ; il en employait aussi une imprime dont voici le libell :Rue de Seine, 71, prs celle de Bussy,Aldric,Luthier Paris 18.. La lutherie d'Aldric est remarquablement bien faite ; elle commence dignement avec celle de Lupot, quoique bien infrieure cette dernire, la bonne cole franaise.Son vernis est gnralement rouge et de belle apparence, mais un peu trop pais.Il existe aussi de lui des altos faits de vieilles violes italiennes, dont la facture atteste une habilet hors ligne.

Jean-Franois Aldric is one of the great names in French making, of the same generation as Lupot and Pique. In his later years he made superb Stradivari copies modelled on originals which he obtained from Luigi Tarisio, and our violin is one of these a very faithful Strad copy displaying exquisite workmanship, with a real concert sound.Looking at this superb violin, you have to acknowledge that it all went a bit downhill with Vuillaume! The Paris makers of the previous generation just had an eye, making beautifully observed copies while retaining their own personality and idiosyncracy. Aldric is one of the lesser known makers of this period, often grouped with Thibout, but his work is very beautiful. The particular combination of precision and softness is very faithful to Stradivari as are all details of the arching and the model really it’s only the varnish which points to Paris. The condition is very good no cracks or damages to the back, ribs or scroll, just a small repaired crack under the chinrest and another short repaired crack above the left f-hole eye. The original varnish is very well preserved.


アルドリック。- 私が見つけた彼の最も古いマークはベースに付いていたもので、Fait par Aldric, luthier, rue des Arcis, 16.Paris, 1792.他の日付はRue de Seine-Saint-Germain, 71, 1840年まで住んでいた場所で、甥のAubryが彼のビジネスを引き継いだ。 アルドリックのラベルのほとんどは手書きだが、印刷されたものも使っており、そこには次のように書かれている:Rue de Seine, 71, prs celle de Bussy,Aldric,Luthier Paris 18... アルドリックのヴァイオリン製作は驚くほどよくできている。彼のニスは概して赤く、見栄えは良いが、少し厚すぎる。また、古いイタリア製ヴァイオリンから作られた彼のヴィオラもあり、その出来栄えは一線を画した技術を証明している。


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