♪輸入楽譜(ヴァイオリン)Superstart Violin: Accompaniments: Piano Accompaniments and Violin Duet Parts ピアノ伴奏つき

Auction ends: 07/06/2024 23:52 (Tokyo)
Auction start: 07/05/2024 23:52 (Tokyo)
Bids: 0 (Bid history)
Availability: 1 pcs
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Item condition: Used
Shipping in Japan: 520¥
Auction ID: e1085245616
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Item location: 北海道
Seller items: asunaro6228   ( See All Items )
Seller Rating: +3034 - 0

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( ¥600 not including tax )

Buyout Price

(~ $4 )
(¥700 not including tax)

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♪輸入楽譜(ヴァイオリン)Superstart Violin: Accompaniments: Piano Accompaniments and Violin Duet Parts

商品説明 目次など写真に掲載してありますのでご参照ください。

価格は----ドル+税。   発行年は2006年です。

Superstart is a break-through for beginner violinists, full of exciting music and fun activities from the very first lesson to inspire and stimulate pupils and teachers. Mary Cohen is one of Britain's leading string teachers and this new edition is a distillation of her many years of teaching and research - a core method now in one book.

This book of piano accompaniments and violin duet lines is an excellent resource for lesson times or performance enabling teachers or friends and family to accompany students. Playing with accompaniment encourages good ensemble skills and really brings the pieces to life.



1 ~20----180円~200円

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